Systems Analysis and Development
Stages of the Systems Development Life Cycle
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What is the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can be seen as the steps to be take to plan, build, test and evaluate a software product being built. The SDLC is broken into 6 critical stages and can be remembered as P.A.D.D.I.E.

P = Preliminary Analysis

Define the problem that you are trying to solve. Complete a feasibility report to determine if the project is the following (this can also be remembered as T.O.E.S): • Technical Feasibility: To see if the software and hardware currently available can solve the current problem. • Operational: To see if the project will actually provide the solution. • Economically Sustainable: To make sure that you won’t run out of money. • Schedule: To see if it fits within the give time allocation.

A = Analysis

Define and set your GOALS based on your client/end-user needs, requirements and skill set. End-User refers to the person who will eventually end up using the solution on a daily basis.

D = Design

This is the stage where the application of artistry skills can be used to design both the logical and physical parts of the project. Logical Design: Logical design refers to the actual physical code and program behind the solution, this is what goes on behind the scenes and not everyone except developers will see. Physical Design: Physical design refers to the physical part of the actual program that you are creating. This will be what the person who wishes to use the piece of software will interact with.

D = Development

This is the fun stage, you actually build, create and go wild with the project. Make it yours and help the user who will use this in the long run. You will now build the solution to the specification in which you set out during your preliminary analysis and analysis stage.

I = Implementation and Testing

Now it’s time to let the final user actually work on the product solution you have created for them. This can either be: 1. A staged release: This refers to a product that is slowly made available to access to the user; or 2. Direct implementation: This refers to the product being directly implemented so the whole new system can be used. This is also the stage you test to see if the final solution does fit the requirements that you set out in the preliminary analysis and analysis stages along with client expectations.

E = Evaluation and Maintenance

During this stage, you as the developer review the completed project and evaluate what you have done well and where you could improve. This information will be handy to make you a better developer in the future. Along with this, you will regularly provide system updates to make sure that the final product/solution is continually meeting your client's expectations.