Managing Data
Security Techniques for Managing Data
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Disaster Recovery Plans
Disaster recovery plan is a written plan to restore business ICT equipment after a disaster has taken place. It includes the steps to restore areas of ICT equipment such as web servers as well as procedures to restore data from backups. Disaster recovery plans could be in place for events such as natural disasters, power outages, cyber attacks or other disruptive events. Disaster recovery plans are important as lost time can mean lost revenue and/or disgruntled customers, which can significantly impact on future loyalty and revenue.
IBM has a great article on creating a great disaster recovery plan which you can view using the link below:

Audit Trail
Audit trails are an electronic or paper log that records details about a user's access to a file. Audit trails record details about access to specific documents including: - When the data was accessed; - Who accessed it; and - What was accessed. In most cases, it does not show why the data was accessed. In very secure systems, systems may ask for a reason before accessing sensitive data. Audit trails allow administrators to review who has been accessing data and identify any unusual behaviour which can be investigated further. When files are moved or modified, audit trails can be used to identify who was responsible for such actions.
IBM has an article on examples of good audit trails which you can view using the link below: