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5 Tips for a Productive Year 12 Holiday Break

So you're half way through your holidays! What have you accomplished?

If there answer is nothing, then that's alright, we could all use a break, but just be in mind a tough term is ahead of us.

This will be the most important term for year 12. In the upcoming term Year 12s will accomplish:
  • 10 weeks of school

  • Learn brand new content in Unit 4 of the Syllabus

  • Revise and review all content learnt in Unit 3 of the Syllabus

  • Complete around Four 3-hour full mock examinations consisting of Both Unit 3 and Unit 4 topics

  • Achieve around 50-70% of their school mark in this term equating to around 25%-35% of their mark used in their ATAR calculation

It's important that you make the most out of your beak to set yourself up for a successful term, so here are five tips to ensure you have a productive holiday and term ahead.

Tip 1: Critically Review Your Effort in Semester One

At the end of Term 3, you will complete a mock examination that consists of both Semester One and Semester Two topics. Hence, it is important to address what we did well in t

Ask yourself and proactively address the following questions:

  • Did I get the mark/grade that I want? What grade/mark do I want for the Mock Exams and will this be enough to achieve the ATAR I want?

  • If I got a second chance to do the entire Semester One exam again, could I get close to full marks?

Tip 2: Study Ahead for at Least Three-Four Hours a Day

Sound terrible? Then you aren't studying enough. The recommended study load for a student doing 5-6 ATAR subjects is three hours a day for 5-6 days a week. I recommend doing four hours a day of study as during the holidays you will have an abundance of time with school out of the way (which consumes 6 hours of your day + travel).

Continually studying three to four hours per day is a great way of ensuring you stay productive and smoothly transition back into those successful study habits in Term 3.

From my own experience, it takes me two to three weeks to successfully transition from binge watching House of Cards and other Netflix shows for two weeks to completing three hours a night studying. With the fast pace of Term 3, you don't want to be snowballing work for yourself.

The next big question is... what to study? This really all depends on the subject matter at hand. For Accounting, I would study ahead by completing the next few chapters ahead, understanding the content so when it comes time for class, I would just be reviewing the content all over again.

Tip 3: Timetable Your Holidays

Timetabling or scheduling is a great way to stay organised and have a clear overview of your week ahead. Schedule your time to relax and recharge as well as some time to study.

I always recommend when timetabling, it's important to be specific as possible or have specific goals to complete, that way you have clear target about what you want to accomplish.

Instead of writing, 'Economics Study' write 'Chapter 3: Fiscal Policy Question 5 Essay' or something else that is specific. That way you know what to do, when to do it, and have a clear indication of the amount of time it should take.

Tip 4: Wake Up At Your Regular Time, or Not Too Long After

Have you had that transition from waking up at 11am to waking up at 7am on the first day back to school? It's not a great transition. What usually happens during the holidays is that we all sleep in and stay up late. It's alright, I'm guilty of that too. But the only problem is that our brains will be programmed to steep late when we need to sleep early and will be sleep deprived for the first few days heading into Term 3. Not a good look.

Plus, sleeping and waking up at the same time will help be structured and usually sets us up for an organised day ahead.

Tip 5: Relax and Work More. Worse Days are Ahead

I'm not going to lie. Term 3 is terrible. This is the time where stress may develop when you see the work piling up. So take the time to appreciate the spare time you have left. Binge watch your favourite shows knowing you won't have any time for it later. Work more hours to save up knowing that you may not be able to work as many hours in Term 3.

Do more of what you can now that you cannot do later.

Bonus Tip: Get Ahead with the July Achiever Program

Want to get ahead but don't know where to start? Enrol in our July Revision Program for Accounting, Economics and Maths Methods and get ahead in Term 3. It's one tough term so ensure you have the best start as possible.

Revision programs are held in the City of Perth Library next Wednesday (12th July) and Thursday (13th of July). Program fees are $80 for four hours, the cheapest Revision Program in Perth.

Programs include:

  • Consolidation of Semester One topics

  • Review of the Semester One Examination

  • Learn brand new content of Unit 4 to get a head start in Term 3

  • Take-away workbook and notes

  • Light refreshments and snacks provided

To find out more and to enrol, click here.

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